Sr. No.
Name of the Pin
Clock Signal
Reset Signal
4 Request Signals
4 Grant Signals
Round-robin (RR) is one of the simplest scheduling algorithms for processes in an operating system. As the term is generally used, time slices are assigned to each process in equal portions and in circular order, handling all processes without priority (also known as cyclic executive). Round-robin scheduling is simple, easy to implement, and starvation-free. Round-robin scheduling can also be applied to other scheduling problems, such as data packet scheduling in computer networks. In this Arbiter, we have included one two bit counter. This counter will count no. of clock pulses for grant period of each request signal. In this if in between of counter, the request signal goes low, then grant will be given to other respective request signal and we can save that time slice.
module round_robin(clk,rst,req,grant); output [3:0] grant; reg grant; input clk; input rst; input [3:0] req; reg [2:0] state; reg [2:0] next_state; reg [1:0] count; parameter [2:0] s_ideal=3'b000; parameter [2:0] s0=3'b001; parameter [2:0] s1=3'b010; parameter [2:0] s2=3'b011; parameter [2:0] s3=3'b100; always @(posedge clk or posedge rst) begin if(rst) state=s_ideal; else state=next_state; end always @(state,next_state,count) begin case (state) s0: begin if (req[0]) begin if(count==2'b11) begin if (req[1]) begin count=2'b00; next_state=s1; end else if (req[2]) begin count=2'b00; next_state=s2; end else if (req[3]) begin count=2'b00; next_state=s3; end else begin count=2'b00; next_state=s0; end end // if (count==2'b11) else begin count=count+2'b01; next_state=s0; end // else: !if(count==2'b11) end // if (req[0]) else if (req[1]) begin count=2'b00; next_state=s1; end else if (req[2]) begin count=2'b00; next_state=s2; end else if (req[3]) begin count=2'b00; next_state=s3; end else begin count=2'b00; next_state=s_ideal; end end // case: s0 s1: begin if (req[1]) begin if (count==2'b11) begin if (req[2]) begin count=2'b00; next_state=s2; end else if (req[3]) begin count=2'b00; next_state=s3; end else if (req[0]) begin count=2'b00; next_state=s0; end else begin count=2'b00; next_state=s1; end end // if (count==2'b11) else begin count=count+2'b01; next_state=s1; end // else: !if(count==2'b11) end // if (req[1]) else if (req[2]) begin count=2'b00; next_state=s2; end else if (req[3]) begin count=2'b00; next_state=s3; end else if (req[0]) begin count=2'b00; next_state=s0; end else begin count=2'b00; next_state=s_ideal; end end // case: s1 s2: begin if (req[2]) begin if (count==2'b11) begin if (req[3]) begin count=2'b00; next_state=s3; end else if (req[0]) begin count=2'b00; next_state=s0; end else if (req[1]) begin count=2'b00; next_state=s1; end else begin count=2'b00; next_state=s2; end end // if (count==2'b11) else begin count=count+2'b01; next_state=s2; end // else: !if(count==2'b11) end // if (req[2]) else if (req[3]) begin count=2'b00; next_state=s3; end else if (req[0]) begin count=2'b00; next_state=s0; end else if (req[1]) begin count=2'b00; next_state=s1; end else begin count=2'b00; next_state=s_ideal; end end // case: s2 s3: begin if (req[3]) begin if (count==2'b11) begin if (req[0]) begin count=2'b00; next_state=s0; end else if (req[1]) begin count=2'b00; next_state=s1; end else if (req[2]) begin count=2'b00; next_state=s2; end else begin count=2'b00; next_state=s3; end end // if (count==2'b11) else begin count=count+2'b01; next_state=s3; end // else: !if(count==2'b11) end // if (req[3]) else if (req[0]) begin count=2'b00; next_state=s0; end else if (req[1]) begin count=2'b00; next_state=s1; end else if (req[2]) begin count=2'b00; next_state=s2; end else begin count=2'b00; next_state=s_ideal; end end // case: s3 default: begin if (req[0]) begin count=2'b00; next_state=s0; end else if (req[1]) begin count=2'b00; next_state=s1; end else if (req[2]) begin count=2'b00; next_state=s2; end else if (req[3]) begin count=2'b00; next_state=s3; end else begin count=2'b00; next_state=s_ideal; end end // case: default endcase // case (state) end // always @ (state,next_state,count) always @(state,next_state,count) begin case (state) s0:begin grant=4'b0001; end s1:begin grant=4'b0010; end s2:begin grant=4'b0100; end s3:begin grant=4'b1000; end default:begin grant=4'b0000; end endcase // case (state) end endmodule
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